Saturday 27 August 2011

Benefits of Fish Tank Heater

Fish as pets can provide a calm and soothing atmosphere where you can spend hours looking at them swimming peacefully in a fish tank in your home. Just as other pets you need to take good care of your fish so that they live longer and are healthy. Apart from changing the water regularly and feeding your fish, it is also important to maintain a constant temperature in your fish tank so that the fish are comfortable and get the environment that is required. A fish tank heater is an important tool for your fish tank which will help you to replicate the natural habitat where the fish live. The fish tank heater will maintain an even temperature inside the fish tank which will be beneficial for fish from both salt water and fresh water. Tropical fish like angel fish survive longer when you use a fish tank heater whereas fish like Koi can survive in a tank which is not heated.

Maintaining the temperature in your fish tank using a fish tank heater is vital or else the fish will become vulnerable to different diseases. You need to pay close attention to the temperature especially when the season’s change and you will need to tweak the temperature. There are many different varieties of fish tank heaters such as, submersible heaters which can go entirely underwater and can be attached to the back wall of the fish tank. This type of heater helps to heat the water evenly and is not too expensive to buy and install. Then there are bottom heaters which are one of the best heaters and are supposed to be situated right at the bottom of the tank below the substrate. The only drawback of these types of heaters is that they are expensive and also that in case of a fault one needs to empty the entire fish tank before you can start repairs.

Whenever you go to buy fish tank heater, please ensure that you do not buy a cheap heater in order to save money. In the long run this might prove to be expensive as you might have to replace it sooner than expected as the cheap fish tank heaters can malfunction and break down in a short period of time. Also, the cheaper versions do not have accurate heat settings so it will be difficult for you to maintain the right temperature. It is best to buy mid priced heaters as they are not too heavy on the pocket and also function properly. Buying a good thermometer will also help you to see the temperature in the tank easily and also put an automatic thermostat which will respond to the temperature fluctuations in the tank. Large fluctuations in the water temperature can be detrimental to the tropical fish.

Tropical fish are cold blooded which means they cannot maintain their body temperature and as such depend on you to regulate the temperature in the water tank. If you want to keep your fish happy and healthy, it is advisable to invest in a good fish tank heater which will help you to create an environment as close as possible to what the fish are used to in nature.

Dunlops Pet Shop - We provide Fish Tank heater , Hamster Cage, Cat Wormer, provide Fish Tank Filter, Dog Wormer, Cat posts, Animal bedding, Flea Spray, Dog shampoo & many more.

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